Planetary Combinations That Indicate Permanent Foreign Settlement

Will you go abroad?

Well, apart from the foreign immigration officers, the answer to this question lies in your horoscope.

As an astrology believer, you must be aware of the fact that everything in your life is a play of stars and planets in your birth chart and their position during the time of your birth and what is at the moment. These stars and planets hold the reign to the different areas of your life and maneuver them as per their heart’s desire. Where the ill-placement of these planets brings negative effects over the life of a native, their favourable positioning can bring rise to new beginnings, opportunities, success, wealth and happiness for a native, as per the best fortune teller inNew York, Master Krishna.

Foreign Travel is a Dream of Many People

There are many people from the different countries of the world who dream of travelling, settling and working abroad. Some just for the sheer scenery and immaculate surroundings, environment and tapestry, aspire to visit the place of their dreams. Some for accomplishing their career goals and to pursue their higher studies opt for foreign immigration while some to start their business and life from new try to have a permanent residence to some economically strong country. But no matter how fun and great it sounds to have your desires and dreams being fulfilled by moving across the border, this isn’t as easy as it is seen, as per our Psychic Reader inNew York.

Problems in Getting Permanent Residence in Abroad

Though different countries of the world offer different immigration options for the foreign nationals but making sure that each and every problem carries on smoothly is a bit challenging.

Here are the most common problems that Visa and PR lookers face and approach our Best Spiritual Healer for a solution.

· Omitting any kind of personal information from the form or misinterpreting the form guidelines can lead to the PR refusal.
·  Certain health conditions can prevent you from getting a permanent residence.
·   Any link to the criminal activities in the past or any kind of legal issues can lead to PR application rejection.

Though all these problems can seem like an individual’s lack of document fulfillment for migrating abroad, in reality, this all is a play of the placement and the positioning of the different planets in the different houses of our horoscope.
Astrology Combination that Indicates Permanent Foreign Settlement
·       The 4th house of our horoscope is linked with house, land and property. The affliction of the malefic planets like Rahu/Ketu or Saturn can lead to a person to leave his homeland and move abroad.
·       The placement of the lord of the 4th house in 12th house or 9th house or its conjunction with the 12th or the 9th house is an auspicious yoga for foreign settlement.
·       The positioning of the 12th house in the 7th or the 9th house can also, lead to a foreign settlement.

Are you planning to travel abroad too, but couldn’t due to any reason. Get your horoscope reading done by the Top Best SpiritualHealer today.


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